"Die Geister Beschwören translates to "call up the ghosts." And I have to admit; I had to look up the exact meaning of defenestration,
which is: "The act of throwing a thing (or especially a person,) out
of a window." This Portland experimental folk ensemble certainly does
both in this intricate 17-minute sonic spree recently released on SQRT
Records. Laden with field recordings, aching string and bass clarinet
orchestrations, loops, haunting drums and vocals, it paints a lush, if
not eerie, mental picture. It's artfully-layered and quite well-paced.
Let me put it this way: I started out doing stretches and meditation
to it, but 4 minutes in, I found myself pacing the floors thinking,
"This would be an amazing soundtrack if I ever have a rapid descent into
terrifying madness and an eventual reawakening to my highest self!"
Both menacing and beautiful, The Great Defenestration is one intriguing
fall from a window..."
Leah Brzezinski, Savage Henry Magazine